
Horizontal slice display
120 degrees of the picture in the horizontal direction is shown
for a given depth (D) in the horizontal slice window at the bot-
tom of the display. The area to display may be selected with the
[R/B] key.
Range Mark
Horizontal Slice Width
Bearing Mark
Range Mark
Color Bar
Own Ship
Stern Mark
Cross Cursor
Echo inside
this area is
shown in
120 30 123 D22
: Range from own ship to cross cursor in stern
: Range from own ship to cross cursor in port-
starboard direction.
: Slant range from own ship to cross cursor.
: Depth to cross cursor.
Own Ship Mark
120˚ (Fixed)
Latest Picture
Figure 9-2 Horizontal slice display
1. In the normal display, place the trackball mark on the echo
you want to see displayed in the horizontal display, then press
the [R/B] key.
The horizontal slice marker, 120° in width and centered on
the bearing mark, appears on the display. Echoes within the
marker appear in the window at the bottom of the display,
scrolling leftward.
2. Place the trackball mark in the horizontal slice window to
find data. The trackball mark changes to the cross cursor.
Range and depth to the cross cursor are shown.
Note 1: Picture advancement is synchronized with ship’s speed.
The picture does not advance when the ship is dead in water or
there is no speed input.
Note 2: The width of the horizontal slice marker may be changed
on the SYSTEM menu with H-Slice Width.