6.1.6 PPPoE settings
The FELCOM can connect (dial-up connection) to the internet via PPPoE. With the
Web software and PC set up for PPPoE, the dial-up application directly controls con-
nection and disconnection of the data line. (It is not necessary to boot the Web soft-
ware to connect to the internet.)
How to set PPPoE session
Click [Settings], [Network settings], [PPPoE] and [Session settings] to show the[PP-
PoE/Session settings] window.
Item Description
Delete button Delete the item having a checkmark [9]. A session cannot be
deleted during PS*. *PS=Packet Switching
Add session button Create a new session. Up to three sessions can be created.
The creation screen appears.
Session Display session names.
APN Display connection destinations. (If connection destination is
registered in the SIM card: “(SIM) connection destination” ap-
Global IP • Data connection in use: Global IP address is shown.
• Not connected: “---” appears.
Settings button Show the session setting screen. The session setting screen
has six types of setting screens. (Session can be registered
to each screen.)
No. of registrations/No. of registrations available