Cannot make external call. • Check telephone number.
Land subscriber: [00], country code, tel. no.
Ship subscriber: [00], [870], (ocean area code), In-
marsat no.
• Check if the handset cable is properly connected to
the communication unit.
• Check if the handset screen shows [V:Ready].
• Wait a while, and retry.
• In the Web software, check Settings → PBX Set-
tings →Call limit to check that handset mode is
NOT set to [Extension only] or [Incoming only].
• Check that same extension number and password
are entered in the handset and web soft-
ware.Handset: Settings → 3 SIP → 1 Client set.
Web software: Settings → PBX settings → Exten-
• Check if the [Access] and [Filter] box for the hand-
set (or terminal) of Settings → PBX settings → Ex-
tension does not have [9] mark.
Cannot make internal call. • Check that the handset and/or analog phone ca-
bles are properly connected to the communication
• If using an analog phone, do Settings → Basic set-
tings → Analog ports on the Web software to see
that the phone number is not wrong.
• In the web software, do Settings → PBX settings →
Call limit to see that handset mode is NOT set to
[Outline only] or [Incoming only].
• Check that same extension number and password
are entered in the handset and web software.
Handset: Settings → 3 SIP → 1 Client set.
Web software: Settings → PBX settings → Exten-
Cannot use the internet. • Check that the handset screen displays [D: Con-
nected] and the Web software displays [Data con-
nection Connected].
• Check internet connection settings on the PC.
Incoming Indicator does not
• Check that the cable between incoming indicator
and Communication unit is correctly connected.
• Adjust the incoming indicator volume. Press S to
increase the volume.
• In the Web software, do Settings → Basic settings
→ Incoming indicator (enabled service) and see if
Voice (telephone), FAX, ISDN UDI, ISDN RDI (UDI/
RDI FELCOM 500 only) are checked.
Condition Check point