The Inmarsat-C system consists of the Operation Control Center
(OCC), Satellite Control Centers (SCC), Network Coordination Sta-
tions (NCS), Land Earth Stations (LES) and Mobile Earth Stations
(MES). The OCC, located at Inmarsat’s London headquarters, coor-
dinates a wide range of activities in the Inmarsat system, including
commissioning of mobile earth stations.
The Inmarsat-C system divides the world into four regions and each
region is covered by its own satellite.
Table 1 Inmarsat system satellites
Region Satellite Satellite Position
AOR-West Inmarsat-2, F4 54.0°W
AOR-East Inmarsat-2, F2 15.5°W
IOR Inmarsat-2, F1 64.5°E
POR Inmarsat-2, F3 178.0°E
In each region there is one NCS and several LESs. The NCS keeps
track of all Inmarsat-C transceivers in its region and broadcasts in-
formation such as navigational warnings, weather reports and news.
The LES provides the link between the MES and the terrestrial tele-
communications networks via satellite.