(7) Logging status
LOGOUT Logged out with ocean region
LOGIN Logged in with ocean region
LOGIN (blinking) Logging in with ocean region
(8) Other information
No display No receive message in memory, or
printer is operating.
REC. MESSAGE EXISTS Displayed when a routine message has
(blinking) not been printed, or a confidential mes-
sage is received.
DATA REPORT When data reporting is activated.
(Reverse indication)
(9) Date and time display
The date (set at system setting) and time (set by satellite) appear.
Time is updated every minute (with navigator connection).
(10) Ship’s position
Ship’s position (automatic or manual input) appears here.
Error Messages and Alerts
The terminal unit displays error messages and alerts to call your at-
tention to misoperation, failed operation and system error. A list of
error messages and alerts appears on pages A-12 through A-14 in the
Appendix. To erase an error or an alert, press [Esc].
File Edit Transmit EGC Reports Logs Options Setup Position StopAlarm
No. Message File Station LES Priority Send Status Delivery
Send Message Log
1. Send Message Log
2. Receive Message Log
No Message
<Press ESC key to coninue>
Figure 1-11 Location of error messages and alerts