
DWN Down Over Change-over
EEE Error P (or 0) Stop your transmission.
Eng English PLS (PSE) Please
Esc Escape PPR Paper
Feb February Prt Scr Print Screen
FEC Forward Error Correcting R (RCD) Received
FM From RAP I will call you again.
Fn Function RD Read
Freq Frequency RE Referring to
Fri Friday RPT Repeat
GA Go ahead. Rus Russian
HR Here is RX Receiving
ID Identification Data Sat Saturday
Jan January ScrLk Scroll Lock
JST Japanese Standard Time SD Secure Digital
Jul July sec second
Jun June Sep September
Mar March SFEC Selective FEC
MNS Minutes SIO Serial Input and Output
MOM Wait (Waiting) SMT Ship’s Mean Time
Mon Monday SRY Sorry
msec milli second Sun Sunday
MSG Message SVP Please
MUTI Mutilated TAX What is the charge?
NA Correspondence to this sub-
scriber is not admitted.
TEST MSG Please send a test message?
NBDP Narrow Band Direct Print THRU You are in communication with
telex position.
NC No circuits Thu Thursday
NCH Subscriber’s number has been
TKS (TNX) Thanks
NG Non-Good TLX Telex
Nov November T.op Timer Operation
NP The called party is not or no
longer is a subscriber.
Tue Tuesday
NR Indicate your call number. TX Transmission
Num Number USB Universal Serial Bus
NumLk Numerical Key Lock UTC Coordinated Universal Time/
Universal Time, Coordinated
OCC Subscriber is engaged. Ver Version
Oct October Wed Wednesday
OK Okay WRU Who are you
Abbreviation Meaning Abbreviation Meaning