5. Type and transmit your message, giving the following information:
• Ship's name and call sign
• Nature of distress and assistance needed
• Description of your ship
6. Press the function key F10 to disconnect the line.
For NBDP details, see chapters 7 through 10.
4.2 How to Receive a Distress Alert
When you receive a distress alert from a ship in distress, the audio alarm sounds and
the LED flashes in red. The icon for DISTRESS receiving ( ) appears in the tab area
and the pop-up message "DISTRESS ALERT message received! [CANCEL]: Stop
alarm" appears on the screen.
Press the CANCEL key to silence the audio alarm. Wait for the distress acknowledge
call from a coast station. If you do not receive the distress acknowledge call from a
coast station, which usually takes about five minutes from the time of receiving a dis-
tress alert, follow the flow charts in this section to determine your action.
Note: An asterisk (*) appearing in a distress alert message indicates an error at the
asterisk’s location.
4.2.1 Distress alert received on MF band
Do the following:
• Continue watching on 2182 kHz. Wait for coast station to acknowledge the distress
call. Watch until “SEELONCE FINI” is announced.
• If multiple DSC distress alerts are received from the same ship in distress and it is
near your ship, communicate with RCC or coast station and send distress acknowl-
edge call to the ship in distress under the direction of RCC or coast station.
• Watch on the distress frequency.