7. Press the [ENT] key to display the win-
dow shown in Figure 7-3.
8. Select AUTO or MANU. AUTO uses
ship’s average speed to calculate time-
to-go; MANU is for manual entry of
9. Press the [ENT] key. If you selected
AUTO no further operation is necessary.
For MANU, press the [ENT] key again.
Enter speed with the cursor pad and
press the [ENT] key.
Figure 7-5 shows what the display might
look like using Route-01 as an example.
Figure 7-5 Typical calculation
display (route)
7.2 DGPS Setup, DGPS Data
The GP-36 is equipped with a DGPS bea-
con receiver, and is set at the factory for
automatic beacon receiver operation. To
manually adjust the GP-36’s beacon re-
ceiver, or set up the GP-36 or GP-31 to use
an external DPGS beacon receiver, do the
1. Press the [MENU] key once or twice to
open the menu.
2. Select D-GPS and press the [ENT] key.
Figure 7-6 DGPS SETUP menu
3. The cursor is on the BEACON field.
Press the [ENT] key.
4. A window showing the choices INT, EXT
and OFF appears. Select one of those
items and press the [ENT] key.
Figure 7-7 Beacon receiver
selection window
INT: For internal DGPS beacon
receiver (GP-36 only)
EXT: For external DGPS beacon
OFF: Disables DGPS function. When
the DGPS function turns off,it takes
about 1 minute to fix GPS position.