2.4 How to Change Track Plotting Interval, Stop Re-
To trace the boat’s track, the boat’s position is stored into the memory at an interval of
distance or according to display range. For distance, a shorter interval provides better
reconstruction of the track, but the storage time of the track is shorten. When the track
memory becomes full, the oldest track is erased to make room for the latest. The cur-
rent percentage of the memory used can be confirmed by choosing [Tracks] on the
1. Press the MENU/ZOOM key twice to show the main menu.
2. Select [Tracks], and press the ENT key.
3. Confirm that the [Rec] is selected, and press the ENT key.
4. Select [Off], [Distance] or [Auto], and press the ENT key.
Off: Track is not recorded. This setting is useful when you do not need to record
Distance: Track is recorded and plotted at the distance interval set.
Auto: Plotting and recording interval changes with display range selected.
5. For [Off] or [Auto], go to step 6. For [Distance], enter the recording interval as fol-
1) Press X.
2) Press ENT key.
3) Use the cursorpad to enter the interval, and press the ENT key.
For entering the numeric data, see page 1-9.
6. Press the MENU/ZOOM key twice to close the menu.
Percentage of the memory used