Route data format
Route comment data format
End of sentence
$GPRTE, x.x, x.x, a, c--c, c--c, ... , c--c <CR><LF>
1 2 3 4 5 12
1: Number of sentences required for one
complete route data (1 to 6) See note.
2: Number of sentences currently used (1 to 6)
3: Message mode (Always set to “C”.)
4: Route No. (1 to 100)
5 to 12: Waypoint name (1 to 8 characters, length
of each waypoint name is fixed to 7 byte)
1st byte: “-” (hyphen)= skip ON,
“ ” (space)= skip OFF
After 2nd byte: Waypoint name
(1 to 8 characters)
Note: A route can contain max.30 waypoints and GPRTE sentence
for one route data may exceed 80 byte limitation. In this case, route
data is divided into several GPRTE sentences (max. 4 sentences).
This value shows the number of sentences route data has been divided.
$PFEC, GPrtc, x, c--c, c--c <CR><LF>
1 2 3
1: Route No. (1 to 100)
2: Route comment (Max. 18 characters, variable length)
3: Route name (Max. 6 characters, variable length)
$PFEC, GPxfr, CTL, E <CR><LF>