1.1 Overview
The VR-3000/VR-3000S consists of Data Collecting Unit (DCU), Data Recording Unit (DRU),
Remote Alarm Panel (RAP), Junction Box (JB, optional supply with VR-3000S) and bridge
microphone units. The VDR system continuously stores data from the past 12 hours onto the
Flash Memory in the capsule, erasing the oldest data stored as new data is recorded. The data to
be recorded includes the following:
Parameters to be recorded IEC 61162 formatter Notes
Date and time ZDA
Ship’s position and datum used GNS and DTM
Speed (water and/or ground) VBW
Heading (true) HDT
Heading (magnetic) HDG
AIS-VHF data-link message VDM
AIS-VHF data-link own-vessel message VDO
Depth (echo sounder) DPT
Alarms ALR
No requirement for S-VDR to
send alarm messages
Rudder order/response manual RSA
Rudder order/response automatic HTC, HTD
Engine order/response RPM, XDR
Hull openings, watertight doors XDR
Accelerations and hull stress XDR, ALR
Wind speed and direction MWV
VDR alarm output $VRALR
Radar data
Bridge audio
VHF communication audio
Power supply precaution
If ship’s mains power source (100-230 VAC) and emergency source fail, the VR-3000/VR-3000S
continues to record bridge audio for 2 h from backup batteries. When using the backup batteries,
suspend power to the IF-8530 Junction box..