
MWV - Wind speed and angle (PAS 102)
When the reference field is set to relative, data is provided giving the wind angle in relation to the
vessel’s heading and wind speed, both relative to the moving vessel.
When the reference field is set to true, data is provided giving the wind angle relative to the
vessel’s heading and wind speed, both with reference to the moving water. True wind is the
vector sum of the relative apparent wind vector and the vessel’s velocity vector along the heading
line of the vessel. If represents the wind at the vessel if it were stationary relative to the water and
heading in the same direction.
| | | | | |
| | | | | +--------- 6
| | | | +----------- 5
| | | +------------- 4
| | +---------------- 3
| +------------------- 2
+---------------------- 1
1. Wind angle, 0 to 359 (degrees)
2. Reference, R=relative, T=true
3. Wind speed
4. Wind speed units, K/M/N
5. Status, A=data valid, V=data invalid
6. Checksum
PRC - Propulsion remote control status
This sentence indicates the engine control status (engine order) on a M/E remote control
system. This provides the detail data not available from the engine telegraph.
$xxPRC, x.x, A, x.x, A, x.x, A, x, *hh<cr><lf>
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0) Header
1) Lever demand position
-100 - 0 - 100% from "full astern" (crash astern) to "full ahead" (navigation full) "stop engine"
2) Data status
A = data valid
V = data invalid
3) RPM demand
4) Data status
R = relative (%): 0-100% from zero to maximum rpm
T = true (rpm): "-"Astern
V = data invalid
5) Pitch demand
6) Data status
R = relative (%): -100 - 0 - 100% from "full astern" (crash astern) to "full ahead" (navigation full) "stop engine"
T = true (degree): "-"Astern
V = data invalid
7) Number egine or propeller shaft
0 = single or on centre-line
Odd = starboard
Even = port
8) Checksum