190-00357-00 Rev H
Flight Planning
For “flight plan leg” fuel planning, select “Flight Plan?” from
the options window. Use the small right knob to select the
desired flight plan and the desired leg of the flight plan.
3a. For direct-to planning, verify that the “from”
waypoint field indicates “P.POS” (present
position). If necessary, press CLR to display
“P.POS”. Press ENT and the flashing cursor
moves to the “to” waypoint field. Turn the
small and large right knobs to enter the
identifier of the “to” waypoint and press ENT
to accept the waypoint.
For direct-to fuel planning, press CLR (with the “from”
waypoint field highlighted) to display “P.POS” (which repre-
sents your present position).
3b. For point-to-point fuel planning, turn the small
and large right knobs to enter the identifier
of the “from” waypoint. Once the waypoint’s
identifier is entered, press ENT to accept the
waypoint. The flashing cursor moves to the
“to” waypoint. Again, turn the small and
large right knobs to enter the identifier of
the “to” waypoint and press ENT to accept
the waypoint.
3c. For “flight plan leg” fuel planning, turn the
small right knob to select the desired flight
plan (already stored in memory), by number.
Turn the large right knob to highlight the
“LEG” field and turn the small right knob to
select the desired leg of the flight plan, or select
“Cum” to apply fuel planning calculations to
the entire flight plan.
4. If your fuel management system does not enter
the data automatically, turn the large right
knob to highlight the fuel on board (FOB)
5. Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the amount of fuel on board. Press ENT when
6. The flashing cursor moves to the fuel flow (FF)
field. Use the small and large right knobs
to enter the fuel flow rate. Press ENT when
finished. Note that if a fuel system is providing
current fuel flow, the fuel flow defaults to this
7. The flashing cursor moves to the ground speed
(GS) field. Use the small and large right
knobs to override the current ground speed
(and enter a planning figure). Press ENT when
finished. (To return ground speed reading to
current conditions, highlight the ground speed
[GS] field, press CLR, then press ENT.)
8. With all variables entered, information such as