1 - COM
190-00357-00 Rev H
To display the entire list of frequencies for a
nearby airport and select from that list:
1. Start with the desired airport highlighted on
the Nearest Airport Page (as described on the
previous page), then press ENT.
2. Press the small right knob to remove the
cursor and turn the small right knob to dis-
play the frequency list.
From the Nearest Airport Page, select the
desired airport to show a more detailed list-
ing of frequencies for that airport.
3. Press the small right knob momentarily to
reactivate the cursor and turn the large right
knob to highlight the desired frequency.
4. Press ENT to place the highlighted frequency
in the standby COM window field.
5. Before leaving the frequency page, use the
large right knob to highlight “Done?” and
press ENT. “Done?” always needs to be
acknowledged before leaving a page group.
To select a COM frequency for a nearby flight
service station (FSS) or center (ARTCC):
1. Select the Nearest Center or Flight Service
Page from the NRST page group. (Turn the
large right knob until the NRST pages appear.
Then, if necessary, turn the small right knob
to display the desired NRST page.)
Use the nearest ARTCC Page to quickly re-
trieve the frequency(s) for the nearest center
(ARTCC) facility.
2. Press the small right knob momentarily to
place the cursor on the page.
3. Turn the large right knob to highlight the
FSS/ARTCC frequency and press ENT to place
the frequency in the standby field of the COM
Auto-Tuning FSS & Center Freqs
GNS 530W only