16 Colorado
Series Owner’s Manual
elements, overlaying engaging story lines onto a real-
world background. You can build and play an exciting
adventure game or other innovative activities.
To access the Wherigo tutorial:
1. Select Shortcuts > Others > Wherigo >
Wherigo Tutorial.
2. Read the description and select Play.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
NOTE: For complete information on Wherigo
and additional cartridges, visit www.wherigo.com.
Wherigo Tutorial Page
The track log starts recording as soon as the Colorado
gets a location x. Additional tracks can be archived
from your current track and shared with other users.
To use Tracks, select Shortcuts > Where To? >
To archive your current track:
1. Select Current Track.
2. Select Options > Archive.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions.
To clear your current track:
1. Select Current Track.
2. Select Options > Archive.
Archived or loaded tracks are listed on the Tracks page.
You can view the tracks on the map, view elevation
proles, or navigate the track.