32 Colorado
Series Owner’s Manual
cuStomIzInG the colorado
Position Format Setup
The Position Format Setup page allows you to set your
position format, map datum, and map spheroid. Unless
you have a working knowledge of the position format
or grid for your map, it is recommended that you use
the default settings.
To access the Position Format Setup page select
Shortcuts > Setup > Position Format.
Heading Setup
To access the Heading Setup page select Shortcuts >
Setup > Heading.
NOTE: Unless you have a working knowledge
of headings and North referencing, it is
recommended that you use the default settings.
Display—sets the units (Cardinal Letters, Degrees, or
Mils) used to show your heading.
North Reference—provides headings based on a true,
magnetic, grid, or specic user value north reference.
Altimeter Setup
The Altimeter Setup page allows you to set up the
altimeter to self-calibrate each time you turn the
Colorado on, to function as a barometer, and to
continually save pressure trend data.
To set up the altimeter select Shortcuts > Setup >
Calibration—when turned on, elevation is
calibrated by the GPS elevation on the Colorado.
Barometer Mode—select Variable Elevation
(used when moving) or Fixed Elevation (used when
stationary, allowing the Altimeter to function as a
standard barometer).
Pressure Trending—select Save Always to record
pressure data every 15 minutes, even when the
Colorado is turned off. Select Save When Power On
to record data only when the Colorado is turned on.