Garmin G1000H
Pilot’s Guide for the Bell 407GX
190-01255-00 Rev. B250
The fuel statistics are calculated based on the selected starting and ending waypoints and the trip planning
inputs. Some of the calculated trip statistics are dashed when the selected leg of the active flight plan has
already been flown.
•Fuel efciency(EFFICIENCY) - This value iscalculated bydividing the current ground speed bythe
current fuel flow.
•Timeoffuel endurance (TOTAL ENDUR) - This time is shown as hours:minutes. This value is obtained
by dividing the amount of fuel on board by the current fuel flow.
•Fuelonboarduponreachingendof selectedleg(REM FUEL) - This value is calculated by taking the
of fuel endurance and subtracting the estimated time enroute to the end of the selected leg.
endurance by the ground speed.
These statistics are calculated based on the system sensor inputs or the manual trip planning inputs.
•True airspeed (TRUE AIRSPEED)
The pilot may select automatic (AUTO) or manual (MANUAL) page mode, and flight plan (FPL) or waypoint
(WPTS) mode. In automatic page mode, only the FPL, LEG, or waypoint IDs are editable (based on FPL/WPTS
Figure 5-100 Trip Planning Page - Flight Plan Mode
Selected Leg(s)
Stored Flight Plan
- CUM: Beginning to End of FPL
- NN: Beginning to End of Selected Leg
Active Flight Plan
- REM: Pres. Pos. to End of FPL
- NN: Pres. Pos. to End of Selected Leg
Starting and Ending Waypoint of
Selected Flight Plan Segment
Selected Flight Plan
NN -
00 is Active FPL
01-99 are Stored FPLs
Figure 5-101 Trip Planning Page - Waypoint Mode
Selected Leg(s)
Not Available
Selected Starting and Ending Waypoints
Selected Flight Plan
Not Available