
48 GPSMAP 3205 Owner’s Manual
MaIn Menu > weather tab and PoInts tab
Weather Tab
The Weather tab shows current weather conditions, the forecast, sea surface
information, and a forecast map. The Weather tab also contains a Setup sub tab
that you can use to customize preset weather options.
The Weather tab appears only if you have the Weather check box selected on
the Main Menu—System tab. See the “XM WX Weather” section beginning on
page 81 for more information.
NOTE: You must have a GDL30/GDL 30A Marine Weather/Audio Satellite
Receiver installed and connected to your GPSMAP 3205, and a subscription to
XM WX Satellite Weather to use the XM Weather features.
Points Tab
The Points tab contains two sub tabs, User and Proximity, which allow you to
manage a large number of waypoints quickly and efciently. The sub tabs also
provide a continuously updated proximity waypoint alarm function that can be
used to dene items, such as submerged hazards or shallow waters.
Number of waypoints remaining Number of used waypoints
User Sub Tab
The User sub tab on the Points tab displays a master list of all waypoints
currently stored in memory. From the User list, you can review, edit, rename, or
delete individual waypoints, or delete all user waypoints. The total number of
stored and available waypoints appears at the bottom of the User sub tab, with the
stored waypoints arranged in alphanumeric order.