GPSmap 76CS
Data Field Defi nitions
Distance - Next - The distance to the next point on a route.
Distance - Destination - The entire distance, from beginning to end, of
a route.
ETA - Next - The estimated time of arrival at the next point on your
route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
ETA - Destination - The estimated time of arrival at your destination, if
you maintain your current speed and course.
Elevation - The distance above or below mean sea level.
Elevation-Maximum - The highest elevation reached.
Elevation-Minimum - The lowest elevation reached.
Glide Ratio - The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to vertical dis-
Glide Ratio Dest - The glide ratio required to descend from your pres-
ent position and elevation to the destination’s elevation.
Heading - Your direction of travel as indicated by a compass, in degrees
or cardinal letters (N,S,E,W).
Location (lat/lon) -
Your current location as latitude/longitude coordinates.
Location (selected) - Your current location described in the selected
units of measure (other than lat/lon).
GPSmap 76CS Owner's Guide copy.indd 85GPSmap 76CS Owner's Guide copy.indd 85 10/8/2004 8:29:39 AM10/8/2004 8:29:39 AM