GPSmap 76CS
Data Field Defi nitions
Odometer - The total distance you have traveled for all trips.
Off Course - The distance off your direct course line, right or left.
Pointer - The arrow that indicates the direction to travel to the next point
on a route.
Speed - Your current vehicle speed can be measured in miles per hour,
kilometers per hour or knots.
Speed - Maximum - The maximum speed you have attained since the
Trip Computer was reset.
Speed - Moving Avg. - The average speed while your vehicle was
Speed - Overall Avg. - The average speed determined by both the
moving and stopped time and speed.
Sunrise - The time of sunrise for the current date and location.
Sunset - The time of sunset for the current date and location.
Time To Destination - The estimated time enroute to your final destina-
tion, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Time To Next - The estimated time enroute to the next point on your
route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
GPSmap 76CS Owner's Guide copy.indd 86GPSmap 76CS Owner's Guide copy.indd 86 10/8/2004 8:29:40 AM10/8/2004 8:29:40 AM