
NOTE: The direction arrow, desti-
nation symbol, bearing informa-
tion, Time To Go, Arrival Time and
Final Distance only display when
you have started a Goto or a
The Navigation Page guides you to a destination. When you’re moving with no particular
destination in mind, the Navigation Page displays a subset of information. When you’re moving
towards a specifi c destination, however, the Navigation Page displays additional information
in the data fi elds, such as the name of the location, the distance and time to go, and displays a
direction arrow in the compass ring. To navigate, simply follow the arrow.
Navigation Page Options
The Navigation Page option ‘STOP NAVIGATION’ only displays when you press the OK
Button while actively navigating to a Waypoint.
The list of data fi elds is on the next page.
Compass Ring
Straight Line
Distance to the
Waypoint (Destination) Name
Direction Arrow
(follow this)
Data fi eld
Moving Direction
The Geko 201 is not a true magnetic compass! You must
be moving in order for it to track your movement.
On the Navigation Page, the
UP and DOWN Buttons are
used to cycle through different
trip data.
Navigation Page
Page Basics
190-00297-01_0C.indd 7 10/2/2003, 1:41:05 PM