Data Field Options
By pressing the UP or DOWN Button, you can cycle through the Data fi elds at the
bottom of the Navigation Page:
• Elevation—the measurement of height above mean sea level.
• Heading—the direction you are traveling.
• Location—shows your current location coordinates, UTM, latitude and longitude, etc.
• Speed—tells you how fast you are going.
• Time/ Date—the current time and date based on your Time Zone settings.
• Trip Odometer—the total distance you’ve gone since the last reset.
The following fi elds display only when navigating:
• Arrival Time—the time of your arrival, based on your current speed and distance left.
• Bearing—the compass direction from your current location to your destination.
• Final Distance—the route distance left from your current location to your destination.
• Time To Go—the estimated time at your current speed to reach your destination.
The Navigation Page allows
you to display 10 types of
different data, such as ‘Eleva-
tion’, ‘Speed’, etc.
Navigation Page
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