Main Menu: GPS Tab
The Differential Receiver status will show one of the following:
• None— No optional beacon receiver is attached or enabled in the Comm tab (Main Menu) or WAAS
is turned Off
• Searching for WAAS— WAAS is enabled and the receiver is searching for WAAS signal
• Using WAAS— WAAS capability is enabled and the unit is receiving WAAS corrections
• Check Beacon Wiring— the DGPS setting is enabled in the Comm tab (Main Menu) but no DGPS
device is detected
• No Beacon Signal— DGPS receiver is attached, but not transmitting RTCM data to GPS
• Tuning Beacon— Receiver is tuning manual DGPS frequency
• Using Differential— Unit is receiving DGPS corrections
• Scanning for Beacon— DGPS receiver is scanning for available frequency
The Differential SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) indicates, on a scale to 0-30db with 30db being the
best, the strength of the DGPS signal being received. If no optional DGPS receiver is used with the
GPSMAP 176, the ‘DGPS Rcvr’ fi eld will display ‘Off. The SNR will depend upon the mounting of your
DGPS receiver and the distance from the DGPS transmitting station.
The GPSMAP 176’s GPS Info tab features an options page that provides access to functions and
features relating to the GPS Info tab.
To display the GPS Tab options:
1. With the GPS information displayed, press MENU.
The following options are available:
• Start/Stop Simulator— toggles the unit simulator on or off.
• Track Up/North Up— allows you to select between a north up or track up sky view display for the
GPS Info tab only.
• New Location— allows you to initialize the receiver graphically on the Map Page to initially help the
receiver acquire more quickly.
• New Elevation— allows you to manually enter the altitude when in 2D or Simulator mode only. Any
altitude entered will be automatically calculated when the GPS is in 3D mode.
GPS Tab (Main Menu) Options
Note: If a DGPS receiver is attached
to the unit and GARMIN DGPS, RTCM
In/NMEA Out, or Other DGPS is enable
on Port 2, WAAS will be automatically
disabled (WAAS Off). It is not possible for
the GPSMAP 176 to receive WAAS and
DGPS corrections at the same time.
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