Main Menu:
Hunt/Points/Route/Track Tabs
Hunt Tab— displays good and best times and a condition prediction for hunting. You can select a data
and location of your choice.
To enter another date:
1. Highlight the Date fi eld and press ENTER.
2. Enter a new date then press ENTER to accept.
To choose another location:
1. Highlight the location fi eld and press ENTER.
2. The ‘Find’ window appears. Make a selection and press ENTER until the information for that location
is displayed on the ‘Hunt’ tab. See pages 38-39 for more information on using the Find feature.
Points Tab— contains the ‘User’ and ‘Proximity’ waypoint lists. For detailed information on the Points
Tab see pages 23-25.
Route Tab— contains a list of available routes. For detailed information on routes see pages 30-37.
Track Tab— lets you specify whether or not to record a track log (an electronic ‘bread crumb trail’
recording of your path), defi ne how it is recorded, or save track log data for future use. The Track Tab
also provides an indicator of the memory used for the active track log and options to clear the track
memory or start a TracBack route. See pages 27-29 for TracBack information. The Track submenu is
divided in two tabs: ‘Active’ tab and the ‘Saved’ tab.
Active Tab
The ‘Active’ tab is for the active log (the log currently being recorded). It displays track memory
used and current settings.
For the ‘Active’ tab, the following settings are available:
• Record Mode— lets you select one of three track recording options:
Off: No track log will be recorded. Note that selecting the ‘Off’ setting will prevent you from using
the TracBack feature.
Fill: A track log will be recorded until the track memory is full.
Wrap: A track log will be continuously recorded, wrapping through the available memory
(replacing the oldest track data with new data).
Hunt Tab
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