GPSMAP 4000 Series Owner’s Manual 29
VIeWInG InformatIon
VIeWInG InformatIon
Use the Information screen to access information about tides, currents, celestial data, user data, other
boats, gauges, and video.
Viewing Tide Station Information
To view tide information from the Home screen, select Information > Tides, then select a tide
station from the list.
NOTE: You can also select tide information for a tide station, a current station, or celestial
information directly from the Navigation chart. From the Navigation chart, press the ROCKER and
use the map pointer ( ) to choose an area. Select Information > Tides/Currents/Celestial.
Press right and left on the ROCKER to adjust the timeline. This is helpful for predicting the tide
level at a specic time of day.
Select Nearby Stations to view other stations close to the one you selected.
Select Date > Manual to view tide information for a different date.
Select Date > Current Date to return to the current date.
Viewing Current Information
Use the Current Prediction screen to view information for currents.
NOTE: You must use a BlueChart g2 Vision card to view Current Station information.