58 GPSMAP 4000 Series Owner’s Manual
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Viewing Fishing Information
The Fishing view contains current water temperature and surface pressure conditions.
Understanding Surface Pressure
This feature displays pressure isobars and pressure centers. The isobars connect points of equal
pressure. Pressure readings can help determine weather and wind conditions in an area. High
pressure areas are generally associated with fair weather. Low pressure areas are generally associated
with clouds and the chance of precipitation. Isobars packed closely together show a strong pressure
gradient. Strong pressure gradients are associated with areas of stronger winds.
Pressure units are shown in Millibars (mb), Inches of Mercury (in), and Hectopascals (hPa).
Understanding Water Temperature Data
The Water Temperature feature displays the water’s surface temperature, as indicated by the legend
on the left of the screen. The temperature breaks are indicated by isotherm lines.
Viewing Fish Forecasting
To view areas that contain optimal weather conditions for specic species of sh, from the Home
screen, select Weather > Fishing > Menu, and select a species of sh. Shaded areas indicate
optimal shing areas for that species.