
Model G0758 (Mfd. Since 2/14)
Spindle Break-In
6. Rotate variable-speed knob to 100 RPM and
high/low gearbox knob to high "H".
7. Press ON button.
8. Run machine for a minimum of 10 minutes.
9. Without stopping spindle, use variable-speed
knob to run machine at 1000 and 2000 RPM
for 10 minutes each.
10. Press OFF button.
The spindle break-in of the machine is now
The spindle break-in procedure distributes lubri-
throughout the bearings to
reduce the risk
of early
bearing failure
if there are any "dry" spots
or areas where lubrication has settled in the bear-
ings. You
must complete this procedure b
operational loads on the spindle
for the
first time when the machine is new or if it has
been sitting idle for longer than 6 months.
Always start the spindle break-in at the lowest
speed to minimize wear if there
are dry spots.
Allow the spindle to run long enough to warm up
and distribute the bearing grease, then incremen-
tally increase spindle speeds, allowing the spindle
to run the same amount of time at each speed, until
reaching the maximum spindle speed. Following
the break-in procedure in this progressive man-
ner helps minimize any potential wear that could
occur until lubrication is fully distributed.
You must complete this procedure to main-
tain the warranty. Failure to do this could
cause rapid wear-and-tear of spindle bear-
ings once they are placed under load.
Inspections &
The following adjustments were performed at the
factory before the machine was shipped:
Gib Adjustments ............................. Page 34
Leadscrew Backlash
Adjustments .................................... Page 34
Be aware that these can change during the
shipping process. Pay careful attention to these
adjustments when first operating the machine. If
you find that the adjustments are not set to your
personal preferences, re-adjust them.
To perform spindle break-in procedure:
1. Rotate variable-speed knob to 50 RPM and
high/low gearbox knob to low "L".
2. Press ON button.
3. Run spindle for minimum of 10 minutes.
4. Without stopping spindle, use variable-speed
knob to run machine at 500 and 1000 RPM
for 10 minutes each.
5. Press OFF button.