Model G0758 (Mfd. Since 2/14)
Table and Column Ways
Lube Type . . Model SB1365 or ISO 68 Equivalent
Lube Amount ........................................Thin Coat
Lubrication Frequency ........... 8 hrs. of Operation
Regular lubrication will ensure mill/drill performs
at its highest potential. Regularly wipe table and
column ways with recommended lubrication, then
move components back and forth several times to
ensure smooth movements (see Figures 34–36).
Z-Axis Leadscrews
Lube Type . . Model T23964 or NLGI#2 Equivalent
Lube Amount ........................................Thin Coat
Lubrication Frequency ....... 120 hrs. of Operation
To lubricate Z-axis leadscrew:
2. Lower headstock as far as you can without
contacting spindle to table surface.
3. Use mineral spirits and a brush to clean as
much existing grease and debris off of Z-axis
leadscrew shown in Figure 37 as possible.
Allow leadscrew to dry.
4. Using a brush, apply NLGI#2 grease to
exposed leadscrew threads, then move head-
stock through its full range of motion several
times to disperse grease along full length of
Figure 35. Y-axis way lubrication points.
Y-Axis Ways
Figure 36. X-axis lubrication points.
X-Axis Ways
Figure 37. Z-axis leadscrew lubrication point.
Figure 34. Z-axis way lubrication points.
Z-Axis Ways
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