3654 Portable H2/N2 Analyzer - Calibrations 35 of 66
Operator Manual
4 Calibrations
4.1 Barometric Pressure Sensor Calibration
You must have access to an accurate barometer to calibrate the instrument's internal
barometric pressure sensor. This is done using the PC WIN3654 program.
The calibration procedure then displays a Pressure Calibration dialog box (as
illustrated in Fig 4-1). The Measured Pressure value shows the current instrument
pressure reading.
Enter the current atmospheric pressure, in mbars, in the Calibration Pressure entry
box. Choose Calibrate to direct the instrument to read and display the Measured
Pressure using this calibration value.
Choose Quit when you are satisfied with the pressure calibration to return to normal
Choose Troubleshooting, Pressure
Calibration and a message will warn that
the current calibration will be lost.
Choose OK to continue.
Fig 4-1:
Pressure Calibration Screens 2 & 3