
3654 Portable H2/N2 Analyzer - Glossary 61 of 66
Operator Manual
Appendix A: Glossary
A.1 Common Units
A.2 Terms and Definitions
Table A-1: Common Units
Unit Meaning
% percentage, by weight
% vbar percentage per volume, barometric pressure referenced
% vext percentage per volume, sample pressure compensated
cc/kg cubic centimeters per kilogram
g/kg grams per kilogram
mg/L milligrams per liter
ml/L milliliters per liter
ppb parts per billion, by weight
ppm parts per million, by weight
V/V volume per volume (ratio)
Table A-2: Terms and Definitions
Terms Meaning
Absolute pressure Absolute pressure is relative pressure, plus atmospheric pressure
Concentration The relative content of a component in a gaseous or liquid media.
Conductivity The reciprocal of electrical resistivity.
Headspace The empty volume above a liquid or solid in a closed container.
Relative pressure
Relative pressure is absolute pressure, less atmospheric pressure
(this is the customary gauge reading).
The opposition offered by a body or substance to the passage
through it of a steady electric current.