Chapter 6 Page 101
Changing Contact entry details
The Contact Entry Details dialog box provides a variety of options that you can associate with an
To open the Contact Entry Details dialog box:
1. Select the name for the entry whose details you want to change.
2. Press Space to open the entry.
3. Press Menu .
4. Under Record, select Edit Contact (/E).
5. Press Menu .
6. Under Record, select Details (/E).
7. Select any of the following settings:
8. Hold Option and press Return to finish.
Dialing a number in your Contacts list
You can dial any number that you’ve entered in your Contacts list.
Note: To use the Dial command you must first install the Palm SMS application and the
appropriate phone driver from the Handspring CD-ROM.
To dial a number in your Contacts list:
1. From the Contacts list, use the Instant Lookup feature to select the number you want to call.
See the section that begins on page 64 for details.
2. Press Menu .
3. Under Record, select Dial.
Category Assign the entry to a category.
Private Hide this entry when Security is turned on.