Chapter 6 Page 103
Options menus
■ Remember last category. Determines how the Contacts list appears
when you return to it from another application. If you select this check
box, the Contacts list shows the last category you selected. If you clear
it, the Contacts list displays the All category.
■ List By. Determines how the Contact entries are sorted and also
controls the Instant Lookup feature and SMS address lookup options.
■ Enable Tap-Dialing. Toggles the tap-dialing feature on and off. When
enabled, you can dial a phone number from the Contacts list simply by
tapping it. You do not need to select the Dial command from the menu.
Dial Preferences
■ Dial, Email, SMS. Provides third-party applications access to the
Contacts application’s dialing functions. In most cases you do not need
to change these settings.
Contacts list view
Contacts record & edit views