In order to index a cuvet follow the next steps:
• Fill the cuvet with high quality water (<0.1 NTU)
up to the 10 mL mark.
• Clean and oil the cuvet as described before.
• Turn the instrument ON.
• Insert the cuvet into the instrument and press
. Record the reading.
• Open the instrument lid, slightly rotate the cuvet
and take a new reading.
• Repeat the last step until you read the lowest NTU
value. Alternatively, keep the READ/TIMER
pressed and, after the first value is displayed, open
the lid and start rotating the cuvet until the lowest
NTU value is displayed.
• Mark this position on the thicker white band on
the top of the cuvet with a water resistant pencil.
• Always use this position to align it with the
sign on the instrument top.