The HI 93414 instrument has three measurement ranges:
• Turbidity from 0.00 to 1000 NTU
• Free chlorine from 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L
• Total chlorine from 0.00 to 5.00 mg/L
At startup, the instrument shows for one second the range on the LCD.
The startup range is the last one used before turning off the instrument.
Before taking measurements check that the instrument is in the correct range or switch it to the
correct one.
• To switch between the existing ranges press
The selected range will be briefly displayed on
the primary LCD and the instrument will enter in
the new range. The selection is circular, the total
chlorine range is followed by the turbidity range.
• If the current time is hidden, the selected
range is displayed on the secondary LCD as
“turb”, “F Cl” or “t Cl”.
• If the current time is displayed on the LCD a range
indication are the measuring units. For free and
total chlorine the units are mg/L and for turbidity
the units are NTU. In this case, when taking
measurements or calibrating the instrument, on
the secondary LCD the parameter is displayed as
“turb”, “F Cl” or “t Cl”.