Enhancements in Release F.02.11
Fast-Uplink Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
Figure 72. The Spanning Tree Operation Screen
4. On the ports and/or trunks you want to use for redundant fast uplink connections, change the
mode to
Uplink. In this example, port 1 and Trk1 (using ports 2 and 3) provide the redundant
uplinks for STP:
a. Press
[E] (for Edit), then enable STP on the switch by using the Space bar to select Yes in the
Spanning Tree Enabled field.
b. Use
[Tab] to move to the Mode field for port 1.
c. Use the Space bar to select
Uplink as the mode for port 1.
d. Use [v] to move to the Mode field for Trk1.
e. Use the Space bar to select
Uplink as the Mode for Trk1.
f. Press
[Enter] to return the cursor to the Actions line.
In this example, ports 2 and 3 have already
been configured as a port trunk (Trk1), which
appears at the end of the port listing.
All ports (and the trunk) are in their default
STP configuration.
Note: Ports 10-14 do not appear in this
simulation. In the actual menu screen, you
must scroll the cursor down the port list to
view the trunk configuration.