Enhancements in Release F.02.02
The Switch Excludes Well-Known or Reserved Multicast Addresses from IP Multicast Filtering
The Switch Excludes Well-Known or Reserved Multicast
Addresses from IP Multicast Filtering
Each multicast host group is identified by a single IP address in the range of through Specific groups of consecutive addresses in this range are termed "well-known"
addresses and are reserved for predefined host groups. IGMP does not filter these addresses, so any
packets the switch receives for such addresses are flooded out all ports assigned to the VLAN on
which they were received (except the port on which the packets entered the VLAN). The following
table lists the 32 well-known address groups (8192 total addresses) that IGMP does not filter on the
Series 2500 switches.
Table 17. Well-Known IP Multicast Address Groups Excluded from IGMP Filtering
Switch Memory Operation
If you are using the CLI to change the switch configuration, HP recommends that you use the write
command to permanently save the changes (to the startup-config file) before exiting from the
CLI. CLI configuration changes are not saved from the Menu interface to the startup-config file unless
you make a configuration change in the Menu interface before using the
Save command. That is, if
you use the CLI to make a change to the running-config file and then go to the Menu interface and
execute a
Save command without making a configuration change in the Menu interface, the CLI
change made to the running-config file is not saved to the startup-config file. (You can still save the
change by returning to the global configuration level in the CLI and executing
write memory). For more
on memory operation, see appendix C, "Switch Memory and Configuration" in the ProCurve Series
2500 Switches Management and Configuration Guide shipped with your switch and also available
http://www.procurve.com. (Click on technical support, then manuals.) See also "Incomplete Informa-
tion on Saving Configuration Changes" on page 223.
Groups of Consecutive
Addresses in the Range of
224.0.0.X to 239.0.0.X*
Groups of Consecutive
Addresses in the Range of
224.128.0.X to 239.128.0.X*
224.0.0.x 232.0.0.x 224.128.0.x 232.128.0.x
225.0.0.x 233.0.0.x 225.128.0.x 233.128.0.x
226.0.0.x 234.0.0.x 226.128.0.x 234.128.0.x
227.0.0.x 235.0.0.x 227.128.0.x 235.128.0.x
228.0.0.x 236.0.0.x 228.128.0.x 236.128.0.x
229.0.0.x 237.0.0.x 229.128.0.x 237.128.0.x
230.0.0.x 238.0.0.x 230.128.0.x 238.128.0.x
231.0.0.x 239.0.0.x 231.128.0.x 239.128.0.x
* X is any value from 0 to 255.