
Software Fixes
Crash — When setting the host name to a very long (~20 characters) string, the switch may
crash with a bus error similar to:
-> Bus error: HW Addr=0x29283030 IP=0x002086ac Task='mSnmpCtrl'
Task ID=0x165ae00.
Flow control — Users are allowed to configure flow control for half-duplex ports, even
though the switch does not support flow control ("back pressure") for half-duplex links.
Flow control — Users are allowed to configure 802.3x flow control for half-duplex ports.
IGMP — Checking whether an IP DA and/or an IGMP Group Address is a valid IP multicast
address before taking any IGMP action on it.
IGMP — Fixed Group-Specific Query (GSQ) timing in Normal Leave case to be a minimum
of 1 second (as IGMP standard specifies and as the GSQs advertise). This occurs when the
Querier forces an interval between GSQs. The internal GSQ timer value was increased to
force this change; otherwise, the time between when the timer is set and when it is serviced
can result in GSQs that are usually .2-sec to .6-sec apart, instead of the minimum 1-sec. Prior
to the fix, the switch sometimes pruned a group only ~3/4 of a second after sending out a
GSQ. Some end nodes take slightly longer than this to reply to the GSQ.
IGMP — Fixed the case where IGMPv3 Join contains an invalid IP Mcast address or a
reserved IP Mcast address in the IGMP Group Address field. Previously, the switch would
attempt to stop processing the Join and mistakenly double-free (one symptom can be a
"software exception at alloc_free.c ... buf_free: corrupted buffer") or double-forward the Join
packet. Now, the switch will simply bypass processing the "offending" sub-record and
continue with the rest of the Join, freeing or forwarding the packet only once.
IGMP — Not currently checking whether an IP DA and/or an IGMP Group Address is a valid
IP multicast address before taking any IGMP action on it.
IGMP — A Group-Specific Query (GSQ) timeout is currently .2 to .6 seconds, rather than
the specified default of 1 second.
IGMP — When an IGMP v3 Join contains an invalid IP Multicast address or a reserved IP
Multicast address in the IGMP Group Address field, the switch will attempt to stop processing
the Join, and mistakenly double-free, or double-forward the Join packet. One possible
symptom is a switch crash similar to:
software exception at alloc_free.c ... buf_free: corrupted buffer
Memory Leak — Related to the "WhatsUp Gold" network management application. Trig-
gered when configuring the enable/login password on the switch.
Security/Vulnerability — "Cross-site scripting" issue. One of the Nessus (see
www.nessus.org) tests fails, reporting: “Vulnerability found on port http (80/tcp).