
Software Fixes
Release F.05.19 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.19
Counters (PR_92221) Counters for J4834A 100/1000 xcvr do not clear .
Crash/Bus Error (PR_92466) Bus error related to 802.1X/unauthorized VLAN.
Agent Hang (PR_92802) Agent 'hang'. Fix for agent 'hang' (ping and TELNET hang, but
not the Console).
Release F.05.20 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.20
Crash/Bus Error (PR_98514) HW Addr=0x00000000 IP=0x002a22d8 Task='tNetTask'
Task ID=0xe2e740.
SSH (PR_96648) Fix implemented for CERT Advisory CA-2003-24 and associated
vulnerability note "VU#333628" at http://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2003-24.html .
Release F.05.21 (Never Released)
Fixed in release F.05.21
STP/Mgmt VLAN (PR_1000000431) If the user configures the Management VLAN as
VID 1, STP and RSTP may forward traffic on redundant links, resulting in broadcast storms.
Release F.05.22
Fixed in release F.05.22
Agent Hang (PR_1000003867) — Switch agent communications such as ping, TELNET,
Web, SNMP, etc. may fail, due to ICMP Redirects never aging.
Counters (PR_92221) — Counters for Ports 25 & 26 do not reset properly following a
switch reset or reboot.
Console Hang (PR_97705) — Console lockup, due to the LAND.C attack.
Counters (PR_98241) — Multicast MIB-2 counters are inaccurate.
DHCP (PR_1000002032) — DHCP Enhancement: Send Host Name with DHCP Messages.
GVRP (PR_1000003124) — Uncertain error message when trying to add more than max
SSH (PR_1000005026) — IP Authorized Manager configuration does not prevent SSH
access to the switch.