
IPv6 Management Features
SNTP and Timep
Configuring an IPv6 Address for an SNTP Server
Note To use a global unicast IPv6 address to configure an IPv6 SNTP time server
on the switch, the switch must be receiving advertisements from an IPv6
router on a VLAN configured on the switch.
To use a link-local IPv6 address to configure an IPv6 SNTP time server on the
switch, it is necessary to append %vlan followed immediately (without spaces)
by the VLAN ID of the VLAN on which the server address is available. (The
VLAN must be configured on the switch.) For example:
Syntax:. [no ] sntp server priority < 1 - 3 > < link-local-addr >%vlan< vid > [1 - 7]
[no ] sntp server priority < 1 - 3 > < global-unicast-addr > [1 - 7]
Configures an IPv6 address for an SNTP server.
server priority < 1 - 3 >: Specifies the priority of the server ad-
dressing being configured. When the SNTP mode is set to uni-
cast and more than one server is configured, this value
determines the order in which the configured servers will be
accessed for a time value. The switch polls multiple servers in
order until a response is received or all servers on the list have
been tried without success. Up to three server addresses (IPv6
and/or IPv4) can be configured.
< link-local-addr >:
Specifies the link-local IPv6 address of the
destination device.
%vlan< vid >: Suffix specifying the interface on which the des-
tination device is located. No spaces are allowed in the suffix.
< global-unicast-addr >: Specifies the global IPv6 address of the
destination device.
[ 1 - 7 ]: This optional setting specifies the SNTP server version
expected for the specified server. (Default: 3)