IPv6 Addressing Configuration
Configuring a Static IPv6 Address on a VLAN
To verify the identity of anycast addresses configured for VLANs to which the
switch belongs, use the show run command.
To view all currently configured IPv6 unicast addresses, use the following:
■ show ipv6 (Lists IPv6 addresses for all VLANs configured on the switch.)
■ show ipv6 vlan < vid > (Lists IPv6 addresses configured on VLAN < vid >.)
For more information, refer to “View the Current IPv6 Addressing Configura-
tion” on page 4-21.
[no] ipv6 address < network-prefix >< device-identifier >/< prefix-length >
If IPv6 is not already enabled on a VLAN, this command option
does the following:
■ enables IPv6 on the VLAN
■ configures a link-local address using the EUI-64 format
■ statically configures an anycast address
If IPv6 is already enabled on the VLAN, then the above
commandss statically configure an anycast address, but has
no effect on the current link-local address.
anycast: Identifies the specified address as an anycast address.
This allows the address to be duplicated (as an anycast
address) on other devices on the same network.
Default: None.
The no form of the command erases the specified anycast
address and, if no other IPv6- enabling command is config-
ured on the VLAN, disables IPv6 on the VLAN. (Refer to
“Disabling IPv6 on a VLAN” on page 4-16.)