
Release M.10.32 Enhancements
The <hash-type> parameter specifies the type of algorithm (if any) used to hash the password.
Valid values are plaintext or sha-1.
The <password> parameter is the clear ASCII text string or SHA-1 hash of the password.
You can enter a manager, operator, or 802.1X port-access password in clear ASCII text or hashed
format. However, manager and operator passwords are displayed and saved in a configuration
file only in hashed format; port-access passwords are displayed and saved only as plain ASCII
After you enter the complete command syntax, the password is set. You are not prompted to enter
the password a second time.
This command enhancement allows you to configure manager, operator, and 802.1X port-access
passwords using the CLI in only one step (instead of entering the password command and then
being prompted twice to enter the actual password).
Release M.10.32 Enhancements
Release M.10.32 includes the following enhancement:
Enhancement (PR_1000376626) — Enhanced the CLI "qos dscp-map he" help and "show
dscp-map" text to warn user that inbound classification based on DSCP codepoints only
occurs if "qos type-of-service diff-services" is also configured.
Enhancement (PR_1000401306) — Reload "IN/AT" special enhancement.
Scheduled Reload
Additional parameters have been added to the reload command to allow for a scheduled reboot of
the switch via the CLI. The scheduled reload feature supports the following capabilities:
It removes the requirement to physically reboot the switch at inconvenient times (for example, at
1:00 in the morning). Instead, a reload at 1:00 mm/dd command can be executed (where mm/
dd is the date the switch is scheduled to reboot). It provides a safety net in situations where a change
is made from a remote location to the running config that inadvertently causes loss of management
access. For example, a newly configured ACL might deny access to the switch from the management
station’s IP address such that the telnet session ceases to function. Scheduling a reload after
command (timed to execute after the necessary configuration work is completed) will ensure that
the switch will reboot automatically. Assuming the ACL changes were not saved to the startup config,
telnet access will then be restored. If the ACL work is completed successfully, with no loss of access,
the scheduled reboot can be cancelled with the reload cancel command.
To schedule a reload in 15 minutes:
ProCurve# reload after 15