
Release M.10.39 Enhancements
You can configure local, chap-radius or eap-radius as the primary password authentication method
for the port-access method. You also need to select none or authorized as a secondary, or backup,
You can configure chap-radius as the primary password authentication method for web-based or mac-
based port-access methods. You also need to select none or authorized as a secondary, or backup,
Figure 1 shows an example of the show authentication command displaying authorized as the second-
ary authentication method for port-access, Web-auth access, and Mac-auth access. Since the config-
uration of authorized means no authentication will be performed and the client has unconditional
access to the network, the “Enable Primary” and “Enable Secondary” fields are not applicable (N/A).
Syntax: aaa authentication port-access <chap-radius |eap-radius | local>
Configures local, chap-radius, or eap-radius as the primary password authentication
method for port-access. The default primary authentication is local.
[<none | authorized >]
Provides options for secondary authentication. The none option specifies
that a backup authentication method is not used. The authorized option
allows access without authentication. (default: none).
Syntax: aaa authentication <mac-based | web-based> chap-radius
Configures chap-radius as the primary password authentication method for mac-based
or web-based port access.
[<none | authorized >]
Provides options for secondary authentication. The none option specifies
that a backup authentication method is not used. The authorized option
allows access without authentication. (default: none).