Using mathematical functions 11-13
UTPF Upper-Tail Snedecor’s F Probability given numerator
degrees of freedom and denominator degrees of freedom
(of the F distribution), evaluated at value. Returns the
probability that a Snedecor's F random variable is
greater than value.
UTPF(numerator, denominator, value)
UTPN Upper-Tail Normal Probability given mean and variance,
evaluated at value. Returns the probability that a normal
random variable is greater than value for a normal
distribution. Note: The variance is the square of the
standard deviation.
UTPN(mean, variance, value)
UTPT Upper-Tail Student’s t-Probability given degrees of
freedom, evaluated at value. Returns the probability that
the Student's t- random variable is greater than value.
UTPT(degrees, value)
Real-number functions
Some real-number functions can also take complex
CEILING Smallest integer greater than or equal to value.
CEILING(3.2) returns 4
CEILING(-3.2) returns -3
DEG→RAD Degrees to radians. Converts value from Degrees angle
format to Radians angle format.
DEG→RAD(180) returns 3.14159265359, the
value of π.
FLOOR Greatest integer less than or equal to value.
FLOOR(-3.2) returns -4