14-6 Lists
Deleting lists
To delete a list In the List catalog, highlight the list name and press .
You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the
contents of the highlighted list variable. Press to
delete the contents.
To delete all lists In the List catalog, press CLEAR.
Transmitting lists
You can send lists to calculators or PCs just as you can
aplets, programs, matrices, and notes.
1. Align the hp 39g+ calculators’ infrared ports.
2. Open the List catalogs on both calculators.
3. Highlight the list to send.
4. Press .
5. Press on the receiving calculator.
List functions
List functions are found in the MATH menu. You can use
them in HOME, as well as in programs.
You can type in the name
of the function, or you can
copy the name of the
function from the List
category of the MATH
menu. Press (the
alpha L character key). This
highlights the List category in the left column. Press to
move the cursor to the right column which contain the List
functions, select a function, and press .
List functions have the following syntax:
• Functions have arguments that are enclosed in
parentheses and separated by commas. Example:
CONCAT(L1,L2). An argument can be either a list
variable name (such as L1) or the actual list. For
example, REVERSE({1,2,3}).