8-10 Statistics aplet
8. Display the computed
You can scroll down to
the mean. The mean
height is approximately
9. Setup a histogram plot for the data.
Enter set up information
appropriate to your data.
10. Plot a histogram of the data.
Angle Setting You can ignore the angle measurement mode unless your Fit
definition (in Symbolic view) involves a trigonometric
function. In this case, you should specify in the mode screen
whether the trigonometric units are to be interpreted in
degrees, radians, or grads.
Save data The data that you enter is automatically saved. When you are
finished entering data values, you can press a key for another
Statistics view (like >6<0%@), or you can switch to another
aplet or HOME.
Edit a data set In the Numeric view of the Statistics aplet, highlight the data
value to change. Type a new value and press >(17(5@, or press
to copy the value to the edit line for modification. Press
>(17(5@ after modifying the value on the edit line.
Delete data • To delete a single data item, highlight it and press >'(/@.
The values below the deleted cell will scroll up one row.
• To delete a column of data, highlight an entry in that
column and press >6+,)7@
CLEAR. Select the column name.
• To delete all columns of data, press >6+,)7@
CLEAR. Select
All columns.