Matrices 12-11
EIGENVAL Displays the eigenvalues in vector form for matrix.
EIGENVV Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues for a square matrix. Displays a
list of two arrays. The first contains the eigenvectors and the
second contains the eigenvalues.
IDENMAT Identity matrix. Creates a square matrix of dimension
size × size whose diagonal elements are 1 and off-diagonal
elements are zero.
INVERSE Inverts a square matrix (real or complex).
LQ LQ Factorization. Factors an m × n matrix into three matrices:
{[[ m × n lowertrapezoidal]],[[ n ×
n orthogonal]],
[[ m × m permutation]]}.
LSQ Least Squares. Displays the minimum norm least squares
matrix (or vector).
LSQ(matrix1, matrix2)
LU LU Decomposition. Factors a square matrix into three
The uppertriangular has ones on its diagonal.
MAKEMAT Make Matrix. Creates a matrix of dimension rows × columns,
using expression to calculate each element. If expression
contains the variables I and J, then the calculation for each
element substitutes the current row number for I and the
current column number for J.
MAKEMAT(expression, rows, columns)
MAKEMAT(0,3,3) returns a 3×3 zero matrix,