Enclosure Capacity
Enclosure CapacityEnclosure Capacity
Enclosure Capacity
The EVA4400 provides one of the highest density disk storage solutions in its class of product. The
EVA4400 can be configured in 18U of rack space with eight 2U 12-bay M6412 FC disk enclosures for
a maximum capacity of 96 disk drives and a maximum storage capacity of 96 TB of disk capacity. The
EVA4400 supports the HP 10000 G2 series racks.
10K rpm Drive Support
10K rpm Drive Support10K rpm Drive Support
10K rpm Drive Support
The EVA supports the 400GB 10K rpm dual-ported 4 Gb/s FC disk. The EVA4400 will support up to 96
disk drives. The EVA4400 array will support single or mixed drive capacities and types (high
performance and FATA) within an enclosure. HP recommends using the same drive type (the same
capacity) within a disk group because virtualization allocates space proportionate to the highest capacity
drive with in the group. A minimum of eight high performance Fibre Channel drives are required in a
15K rpm Drive Support
15K rpm Drive Support15K rpm Drive Support
15K rpm Drive Support
The EVA also supports 146GB, 300GB, and 450GB 15K rpm dual-ported 4 Gb/s FC disk drives. The
EVA arrays will support single or mixed drive capacities and types (high performance and FATA) within
an enclosure. HP recommends using the same drive type (the same capacity) within a disk group
because virtualization allocates space proportionate to the highest capacity drive within the group. A
minimum of eight high performance Fibre Channel drives are required in a configuration.
FATA Drive Support
FATA Drive SupportFATA Drive Support
FATA Drive Support
The EVA supports 1TB dual ported 4 Gb/s Fibre Attached Technology Adapted (FATA) disk. An EVA will
support a full configuration of FATA disk drives. The EVA4400 Starter Kits and the EVA4400 can be
configured with any combination of FATA and high performance disk drives; total raw capacity will vary
based upon the redundancy (Vraid) selected. A minimum of eight FATA drives are required in a
FATA drives are designed for lower duty cycle applications such as near on-line data replication for
back-up. These drives should not be used as a replacement for EVA's high performance, standard duty
cycle, Fibre Channel drives. Doing so could shorten the life of the drive.
Fibre Channel
Fibre ChannelFibre Channel
Fibre Channel
The EVA4400 models are 4Gb/s FC Switched Fabric enabled and are compatible with 8Gb/s, 4Gb/s or
2Gb/s FC Switched Fabric SANs with XCS v9.0. They can co-exist in the same FC SAN with
EVA3000/5000 or EVA4x00/6x00/8x00 FC storage solutions and many other SAN devices. The
EVA4400 with embedded switch model is 8Gb/s FC ready with XCS v9.0. The embedded switch is an
8Gb/s, 10 port B-series SAN switch for a total of 20 ports per controller enclosure..
The EVA4400 takes advantage of the benefits of Fibre Channel (FC) in distance, performance and
connectivity. The use of optical Fibre cabling allows distances between connected segments of a SAN to
be up to 500 meters @ 1 Gb/s; 300 meters @ 2 Gb/s using short wave multi-mode, 150 meters @ 4
Gb/s and up to 10 kilometers (6.21 miles) @ 1 Gb/s when using long wave cable. Storage Area
Networks (SANs) can be constructed using FC switches/directors for fabric connectivity. HP
StorageWorks SAN B-series and C-series switches and directors provide exceptional connectivity while
increasing the effective bandwidth of the network. Supported SAN features include Zoning for
communication isolation and Inter-Switch Links (hops) up to 10 km.
For more information on specific support specifications see the following SAN Infrastructure URL:
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual ArrayHP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
Product Highlights
DA - 12893 North America — Version 1 — February 26, 2008
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