
EVA with HP Storage
EVA with HP StorageEVA with HP Storage
EVA with HP Storage
Essentials Storage
Essentials StorageEssentials Storage
Essentials Storage
Resource Management
Resource ManagementResource Management
Resource Management
Software Suite
Software SuiteSoftware Suite
Software Suite
HP Storage Essentials Enterprise Suite and HP Storage Essentials Standard Edition SRM Software
integrates with HP Systems Insight Manager to provide end-to-end advanced server and storage
management capabilities. HP Storage Essentials SRM Suite software features a base management
console and an expanding portfolio of value-add plug-in software to assist in managing EVA in
heterogeneous SANs across the enterprise.
HP Storage Essentials Suite delivers integrated heterogeneous and multivendor functionality for network
(Arrays, DAS, SAN, NAS, HBAs, switches) management, storage resource management, reporting,
business application and backup monitoring, capacity metering, provisioning and application
infrastructure monitoring.
HP Standard Edition SRM
HP Standard Edition SRMHP Standard Edition SRM
HP Standard Edition SRM
Software and EVA
Software and EVASoftware and EVA
Software and EVA
HP Storage Essentials Standard Edition Storage Resource Management Software and Systems Insite
Manager with Command View EVA software provides a total solution that allows midsize businesses with
limited IT staff to see the big picture (storage-servers-infrastructure) thereby reducing SAN complexity by
depending on Excel spreadsheets or whiteboards to track and manage SAN storage and infrastructure. It
supports Windows and Linux servers with small to medium HP storage based SANs including HP EVA, HP
MSA, HP NAS, HP EML Tape, HBAs and fabric devices. HP Standard Edition SRM Software unified server
and storage tool-set automates complex and manual storage process and tasks with auto discovery,
visualization and topology mapping for quick device identification, integrated NAS and SAN
management, business application monitoring including Oracle, Microsoft SQL, Sybase, InterSystems
Cache', Microsoft Exchange Server and SAP Adaptive Computing Controller (ACC) environments path
dependency identification, and end-to-end EVA SAN performance monitoring and analysis. For more
information on HP Storage Essentials SRM Standard Edition Software visit:
HP Storage Essentials
HP Storage EssentialsHP Storage Essentials
HP Storage Essentials
SRM Performance Pack
SRM Performance PackSRM Performance Pack
SRM Performance Pack
Software and EVA
Software and EVASoftware and EVA
Software and EVA
(end-to end EVA SAN
HP Storage Essentials SRM Performance Pack Software combined with Storage Essentials SRM Enterprise
Edition Software monitors performance along the complete path of business applications through
underlying storage area networks (SAN) components, including host server, host bus adapter (HBA),
fabric switch and Enterprise Virtual Array. A unified and simplified interface, helps EVA administrators
increase efficiency, troubleshoot performance bottlenecks faster, and quickly visualize the big
performance picture of their EVA storage, hosts and SAN infrastructure with real-time monitoring,
historical trend analysis and trend extrapolation.
The SRM Performance Pack Software can be ordered separately on a per EVA basis for existing Storage
Essentials SRM Enterprise Edition SRM customers, and for Storage Essentials SRM Standard Edition
customers the SRM Standard Edition LTU includes licensing to monitor up to 3 HP EVAs. For more
information on HP Storage Essentials SRM Standard Edition Software visit:
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual ArrayHP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
HP StorageWorks 4400 Enterprise Virtual Array
Product Highlights
DA - 12893 North America — Version 1 — February 26, 2008
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