
A-6 P/N 480-0005-00-15
Appendix A: Getting Acquainted with Tenor CMS in the VoIP Network
Calling Card Application
The Calling Card application is used for a Pre-Paid Calling Card company who wants to extend their reach
and raise their margins. The traditional pre-paid Calling Card company generally has a profit margin that is
very small, in some cases fractions of pennies per minute. VoIP offers the benefits of raising profit margins
and expanding into markets quickly and easily.
A Tenor CMS solution enables the pre-paid Calling Card company to install a Tenor CMS at their main loca-
tion(s) with a connection to their IVR (Interactive Voice Response) system. The IVR is responsible for user
authentication (calling card pin code verification), usage tracking, and destination number collection/origina-
tion. The Tenor CMS at this location is also connected to an IP network which could be the Internet.
Several benefits to an Calling Card application include the following:
Links IP network with traditional PSTN-based systems.
Requires minimal up-front investment.
Supports telephony levels of reliability.
Supports up to 960 voice channels.
Enables you to design a multi-point network leveraging low-cost IP services.
Eliminates the need for remote IVR equipment.
Flexible deployment.
New sales opportunities for the enterprise customer.
Figure A-2 Calling Card Application