Optimizing Traffic Flow with Port Controls, Port Trunking, and Filters
Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port Parameters
Configuring a Broadcast Limiting on the Switch. Executing this com-
mand configures broadcast limiting for all ports on the switch.
Syntax: broadcast-limit
HPswitch(config)# broadcast-limit
To display the current broadcast limit setting, use one of the following com-
HPswitch# show config Displays the startup-config file. The
broadcast limit setting appears here
if enabled and saved to the
startup-config file.
HPswitch# show running-config Displays the running-config file.
The broadcast limit setting appears
here if enabled. If the setting is not
also saved to the startup-config file,
rebooting the switch returns broad
cast limit to the setting currently in
the startup-config file.
Web: Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port
In the web browser interface:
1. Click on the Configuration tab.
2. Click on
3. Select the ports you want to modify and click on
4. After you make the desired changes, click on
Note that the web browser interface displays an existing port trunk group.
However, to configure a port trunk group, you must use the CLI or the menu
interface. For more on this topic, see
“Port Trunking” on page 9-10.